Mirror Hours – 01:01

Seeing 01:01 Mirror Hour Means Someone Secretly Likes You

If you’re the type to go to bed late and regularly wake up throughout the night, you have almost definitely seen the 01:01 mirror hour on your clock. Although, if you see this combination, you shouldn’t assume that this is a coincidence because it is in fact a clear message sent by your guardian angel; but what are they trying to tell you? Maybe you’re feeling alone at the moment? If so, find out what this time means for you and your future.


Seeing the 01:01 mirror hour indicates that someone is crushing on you and wants to take things further. 


Often when you look at your phone, do you see the strange mirror hour 01:01? If you do, listen closely, your guardian angel is trying to pass on a message to you. This is their way of reminding you that they are always by your side.

What does 01:01 mirror hour mean: A secret admirer?

This time means someone likes you, but it’s up to you to find out who this person could be. A secret admirer? A friend? A colleague? Watch out for little signs and try and get closer to this person as they will offer you precious support.

This time also carries a very clear message symbolizing:

  • Solitude
  • Isolation


You might feel a bit pushed to the side at the minute, which explains why you have come across this time.

01:01: Your guardian angel advises you not to be alone

Perhaps you feel alone at the moment or tend to hide away and become withdrawn? If you feel the need to take a step back from certain people or situations to better find yourself, do it. Reconnect with your deep inner nature.

This time reminds you that you’re not alone; your guardian angel is always watching over you, even if you can’t tell. By regularly showing you the time 01:01, your angel is showing you the support and love that you have.

01:01, symbol of the number 1 in numerology

In numerology, the number 1 symbolizes the beginning of everything, it all starts with the number 1. It’s also the symbol of a bridge, a connection between the human and the divine.

1 encourages you to rediscover your spirituality, open up to the world and regain self-confidence. It’s time to move your plans and desires forward by focusing on your creativity and leadership. If you think of an idea at 01:01, even if it’s a crazy one, this idea will be gold. Take care of it and let it unfold.