Reversed Mirror Hours – 01:10

Reversed Mirror Hour 01:10: Your Guardian Angel’s Message!

Have you ever seen reversed mirror hours? Seeing the time 01:10 pop up on the clock is a sign you should know the meaning of. Is it a sign or message from your guardian angel? Learn to decipher these mirror hours and find out the meaning hiding behind 01:10 and how it will change your life.


Seeing the 01:10 reversed mirror hour will help you explore your emotions on a deeper level. 


Reversed mirror hours are not just a mere coincidence. If you often see the time 01:10, then a message is definitely trying to be passed on to you.

Reversed mirror hour 01:10 meaning: focus on your feelings

Lately, you have often looked at the clock and seen the time 01:10. Don’t you find that intriguing?… What if your guardian angel was trying to pass on a message to you?

01:01 symbolizes:

  • Intuition
  • Spirituality
  • Charisma
  • Dynamism


According to specialists, this reversed mirror hour connects you to the world and encourages you to be aware of the love and kindness that surrounds you. So, focus on the wellbeing that these feelings provide you with rather than thinking negatively.

01:10, learn to listen to yourself

Numbers, much like spirit animals, are ways chosen by spiritual forces to pass on a message to us and shed light on an aspect of our personality. Guardian angels are addressing us through this reversed mirror hour.

Regularly noticing a mirror hour is a sign that change has taken place in our conscience. At 01:10, it’s time for you to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Concentrate on your instincts; you probably already have the answer to one of your questions.

Numerology: the number 1

The number 1 represents the starting point, a basis, a beginning. When you come across a mirror hour or reversed mirror hour featuring the number 1, progress down the path you think is right for you. Your angel will be by your side.

You now know that when you see the time 01:10, it’s your guardian angel sending you a message.