Mirror Hours – 04:04

Seeing 04:04 Mirror Hour Is A Message To Stay Alert

Have you often seen the 04:04 mirror hour on your phone? Does that intrigue you and make you want to know why and what this time means for you? You’re right to be interested because this is your guardian angel’s way of sending you a warning message and urging you to be careful about the choices you make. Here’s all you need to know about 04:04 mirror hour and how it will go on to impact your life.


Seeing the 04:04 mirror hour contains a warning about protecting yourself from harm. 


If you’ve come across this time on several occasions then you’ll be interested in what comes next. Don’t see it as a mere coincidence because by showing you the 04:04 mirror hour, your guardian angel is sending you a powerful message. Quickly find out what this is.

What does the 04:04 mirror hour mean? – It’s a warning to be careful and stay aware

04:04 Mirror hour is worrying because it’s a warning; your guardian angel is urging you to be careful of what’s happening around you and to pay close attention.

This time symbolizes:

  • A warning
  • Power play, authority
  • Force, violence


The message is very clear; harmful power play is taking place among those around you, so be vigilant and don’t let your guard down.

What message is your guardian angel sending with 04:04? – Be wary!

This is your guardian angel’s way of trying to alert you; you are being plotted against and people are trying to oust you without you realizing. This power play might occur within your family, friendship group or at work, only you know. Listen carefully, any information might be useful for knowing what’s going on behind your back.

Fight, assert yourself and don’t be afraid about being strategic in order to win.

04:04, symbolic of the number 4 in numerology

In numerology, the number 4 symbolizes development, endurance, specificity, the earth, but also inflexibility and stubbornness. The number 4 represents success, so look out for your guardian angel’s message and be wary of those around you. Counteract the power play that’s going on in order to assert yourself and establish your position in the hierarchy.