Reversed Mirror Hours – 04:40

Reversed Mirror Hour 04:40: In Pursuit Of Equilibrium

Do you often see the reversed mirror hour 04:40 and wonder if it’s just a mere coincidence? It’s time to make sense of what this reversed mirror hour actually means and find out what message is hiding behind it! This sequence is being sent to you by your Guardian Angel and could change your life for the better.


Seeing the 04:40 reversed mirror hour will help encourage you the reorganize certain parts of your life. 


The answer to a question, a warning, a piece of advice, approval… there are numerous meanings hiding behind mirror hours. Discover the hidden meaning of mirror hour 04:40!

04:40 Reversed mirror hour meaning: Find balance

Is it not the first time you’ve seen reversed mirror hour 04:40 when looking at the clock? Don’t ignore it anymore; your guardian angel is trying to pass on a message to you… but what could it be?

04:40 symbolizes:

  • Betrayal
  • Pessimism
  • Authority
  • Inflexibility


According to specialists, this mirror hour means you should take a step back and reflect on your life, open up your mind and take care of your family. In fact, your angel doesn’t approve of the life choices and decisions you’re making at the moment. If you want your angel to be by your side again, get back on the right path.

“ At 04:40 bad energy is felt: You have betrayed someone, your guardian angel is looking at you ”

04:40: use your strength wisely

Certain things might emerge when we change our mindset, like a mirror hour or spirit animal. Try to find positive energy in your life. Why not give meditation a go? This will allow you to refocus on yourself and on what’s really important. If you make the necessary effort, your guardian angel will start supporting you again!

Numerology number 4

The number 4 represents accomplishment, order as well as trustworthiness. Learn how to regain the confidence of your loved ones and surround yourself with good people. If you push yourself to your limits and overcome obstacles, you will unleash your full potential and be successful.

You now know that when you see the reversed hour time of 04:40, it’s your guardian angel passing on a message to you.