Mirror Hours – 05:05

Seeing 05:05 Mirror Hour Means An Energetic Period Is Approaching

If you’re one for waking up early or during the night then you’ve probably already come across the 05:05 mirror hour. Seeing this random time pop up on your phone screen is always intriguing, and for good reason; it’s a message from your guardian angel! They are attracting your attention to deliver you a message. Find out what this mirror hour actually symbolizes and how it can impact your life.


Seeing the 05:05 mirror hour will give you the motivation you need to go on and chase your dreams. 

Meaning of 05:05 mirror hour: Energetic vibes

This time carries a happy message, because it’s your guardian angel telling you that they will always be by your side even if you can’t see them.

This time symbolizes:

  • Creativity, inventiveness
  • Teaching, exchange, communication
  • Energy, vitality


05:05 is a powerful mirror hour representing activity and vitality.

05:05, your guardian angel smothers you with love

By often showing you the time 05:05, your guardian angel is letting you know that you have an incredible energy within you at the moment. You have the strength and power to lead others in this joyous journey, so use your power of attraction and filter out this energy all around you.

Some of your loved ones might be struggling a bit at the minute. It’s up to you to help out! You will be able to find the right words and think of the right things to say. If need be, ask your angel for advice. They will pass on the right words to you.

05:05, symbolic of the number 5 in numerology

The number 5 in numerology is a strong number symbolizing life, freedom, dynamism and change. Whether you are starting to carry out changes or are feeling the effects of them, remember that your loved ones are there for you. Entrust them with your worries, fears and questions about the future, and all of this will be less of a struggle to carry round with you.