Mirror Hours – 06:06

06:06 Mirror Hour Meaning: You Are Not Alone

Spotting a mirror hour is always quite exciting. In fact, each mirror hour has its own meaning, but that’s not all…Through the 06:06 mirror hour, your guardian angel is trying to get your attention so they can pass on a message. What does the 06:06 mirror hour actually mean and how will it impact your life? Quickly find out your guardian angel’s message associated with this time here.


Seeing the 06:06 mirror hour urges you to focus on what’s essential to your goals. 


If you often come across the 06:06 mirror hour, then your guardian angel is probably trying to speak to you. Are you intrigued? Wait no longer to find out what the time 06:06 means.

06:06 Mirror hour, stick to your commitments

06:06 has a positive meaning; you matter a lot to someone but you don’t realize it because your mind is too preoccupied with the material aspects of your life and financial issues. So, it’s time for you to reorganize yourself and bring your attention to love and your loved ones. If family problems are on the horizon, keep calm, you are able to have a positive influence on others. Don’t be scared, allow yourself to give out your love freely and unconditionally.

Mirror hour 06:06 symbolizes:

  • Harmony
  • Loyalty
  • Wisdom
  • Choice


You angel shows you that you are loved and are not at all alone. Be forthright and loyal with your loved ones and stick to your commitments. This mirror hour encourages you to be wise.

06:06, your guardian angel is helping you to grow

At 06:06, your guardian angel wants to make you understand that it’s time to find peace with yourself. Your development should be positive, so don’t become withdrawn. Learn to express everything you’re thinking and act upon your best ideas. Choose your words wisely and then you’ll be able to take back control of your life.

06:06, symbolic of the number 6 in numerology

In numerology, the number 6 symbolizes harmony, perfection, family and love. As someone who is compassionate, you will offer your services to others and will always try and be actively useful rather than taking on a passive role. This is how you will receive kindness and well-deserved love from others.