Mirror Hours – 07:07

07:07 Mirror Hour: Set Aside Time For Yourself

If you’re here now, you’ve no doubt noticed for several days or weeks the 07:07 mirror hour when you wake up in the morning… If so, how intriguing! Does this mirror hour mean something for your future? Well, the times on a clock that mirror each other, such as 07:07, all contain a message from your guardian angel. Quickly discover the meaning of 07:07 mirror hour and learn about its impacts.


Seeing the 07:07 mirror hour urges you to discover who you really are and who you want to be. 


If you have been seeing 07:07 mirror hour for a few days, it’s probably your guardian angel trying to pass on a message. They do this to shed light on a certain part of your personality. Don’t be in doubt, discover everything about 07:07.

07:07 Mirror hour meaning: learn how to get to know yourself

Seeing mirror hour 07:07 several times is a call to take time out for yourself. Analyse yourself intriguingly rather than judgementally. Make space in your life to rediscover what really matters to you. This mirror hour represents:

  • Freedom
  • Determination
  • Curiosity
  • Awareness


It’s time to move away from commitments that are weighing you down and take a step back to discover new aspects of yourself and your life, and reinvent yourself. You might then discover that someone has strong feelings for you, or even realize that it’s time for you to change jobs.

When you’re more relaxed, you are aware of who you are and are more in tune with your inner self.

07:07, your guardian angel congratulates you

This time is very rewarding for you. In fact, when you see this time over and over again on a clock, it’s your guardian angel’s way of congratulating you for the work you’ve carried out on yourself. When you’re more relaxed, you are aware of who you are and are more in tune with your inner self. You make, or have made, new life choices allowing you to help those around you. You can be proud of yourself.

07:07, symbolic of the number 7 in numerology

In numerology, the number 7 represents the mind, knowledge and inner life. But be careful as it’s also a symbol of loneliness. If your need for space and privacy gets greater, be quick to ensure you don’t become completely withdrawn. This is how you will manage to better balance out your life.