Mirror Hours – 08:08

08:08 Mirror Hour: Time For Change

If you have seen the 08:08 mirror hour several times, then there is no doubt that your subconscious is ready to receive a message. Indeed, your guardian angel uses mirror hours as a way of communicating with you. The time 08:08 has its own meaning which we’re going to reveal in order to help you shed light on a certain aspect of your personality. Discover how this time will impact your life.


Seeing the 08:08 mirror hour indicates that your life path is about to undergo an important change. 


It’s always surprising, even intriguing, to see a mirror hour (the time when the numbers on a clock repeat themselves, like 08:08). Every one of these mirror hours carries a meaning and a message from your guardian angel. If you often see the time 08:08, we will reveal its hidden meaning to you.

08:08 Mirror hour meaning: you are about to undergo a big change

08:08 is not a very good omen. You have relied too heavily on destiny and fate rather than take on your own responsibilities. You should now become warier as a situation might not go in your favor. The 08:08 mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Intuition
  • Wisdom
  • Independence
  • Introspection


This mirror hour is one of choice; make a decision and stick with it until the end. Be particularly careful of your finances; your efforts alone will ensure sure your future prosperity. Don’t chase after what isn’t yours, otherwise you will get yourself into a more than difficult situation.

08:08, your guardian angel offers you a fresh start

This mirror hour is one of choice. Take a path and stick to it! It’s time you made choices on your own and stopped only being what others expect you to be. Ask yourself what matters to you most, then your guardian angel will help you put change into motion, thus allowing you to achieve your goal.

08:08 Mirror hour, symbolic of the number 8 in numerology

In numerology, the number 8 symbolizes money, ambition, audacity but also arrogance. You are forward-thinking and understand the material world perfectly. But be careful because the number 8 represents the cycles of life, meaning you will find success but your luck will change and you won’t be able to control it. Don’t be too greedy.