Mirror Hours – 09:09

09:09 Mirror Hour: The Best Is Yet To Come

This morning, when looking at your clock, did you see the time 09:09? Since then you have probably been asking yourself lots of questions: why did I come across this time? Does it mean something to you?… Well, a mirror hour is actually hiding a message from your guardian angel that you shouldn’t ignore for a second longer… Quickly discover the hidden meaning of 09:09 mirror hour here.


Seeing the 09:09 mirror hour is a message of encouragement for you to trust yourself. 

Behind the 09:09 mirror hour hides a message that your guardian angel wants to pass on to you… But what is it? Quickly decipher the 09:09 omen.

09:09 Mirror hour meaning: listen to your small inner voice

When you see mirror hour 09:09 pop up on a clock, it’s your guardian angel’s way of encouraging you to listen to them and to trust your intuition. Don’t worry, your faith will lead you on the right path. It only takes one thought for you to change your life, and your angel will be by your side every step of the way.

This mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Complexity
  • Inner life
  • Humanism
  • Searching


Surround yourself with different people, increase your circle of friends, have faith in human nature and trust yourself.

09:09, your guardian angel is trying to surround you with people

This mirror hour aims to develop your friendship circle. You will spend more and more time with someone you’ve just met, a budding friendship is about to form… This is how your life will find a new equilibrium. You could even start doing meditation or yoga to rediscover total harmony.

At 09:09 your guardian angel supports you and encourages you to start a new chapter of your life. You are more than capable of achieving this and will be in control of what direction this takes.

09:09 Mirror hour, symbolic of the number 9 in numerology

In numerology, the number 9 symbolizes perfectionknowledge and altruism. But it’s also a symbol of withdrawal and shyness. You are eternally unsatisfied with your achievements and those of other people. But be careful because unachievable goals will only make your feel frustrated and disappointed.