Mirror Hours – 11:11

11:11 Mirror Hour: Follow The Light

If you often find yourself randomly looking at your watch at this time, know that 11:11 mirror hour is a sign that you are taking the direction of success. This master number contains a powerful message and acts as wake up call for you to pay attention to your spiritual energy. This sequence is actually the Universe’s answer to your prayers and signifies the realization of your ideas and desires. When it appears, it is essential to stay focused on the goals you have set for yourself. Learn about the meaning and why your Angels are sending you it.


1111 Angel number is essentially a call for you to take control of your destiny and to create the life you want for yourself.

11:11 Mirror hour meaning: It’s a call for you to trust your intuition

This time is essentially a sign of encouragement for you to take control of your destiny and to create the life you want for yourself. Seeing this sequence on a regular basis means you are ready to follow the life path you have always dreamed of. It’s a sign for you to believe in yourself and to open up your heart to the intense spiritual vibrations that surround you.

Your spirit guides want you to explore new directions and different life paths that you previously dismissed. It will help motivate you to follow your dreams. Moving forward and onto more positive vibes is made easier with the support and guidance of your Guardian Angels.

Your Angels are sending you this sequence to warn you that you are currently in the necessary dispositions to make your life plans come to fruition. Don’t doubt yourself, you are inhabited by spiritual and intellectual energies that allow you to move forward regardless of obstacles. Now is the time to act.

4 Reasons you keep noticing the 11:11 Mirror hour:

1) You need support and inspiration

This sequence represents support and guidance towards our goals, as well as encourage to achieve all of our hopes and dreams. Although life doesn’t always run smoothly, our Guardian Angel will always be by our side to guide us through. This message is above all a call for us to believe in our abilities and to follow our dreams despite the challenges we face.

2) You are about to experience a spiritual awakening

Having positive thoughts towards spirituality will open you up to a whole new vision of what you are capable of doing. This combination will help you discover your life purpose and ensure you achieve important things that have a lasting impact on the world.

3) It’s time to work on your self-esteem

If you are seeing this time pattern, it’s in part likely because you lack confidence and are always seeking validation from other people. The higher powers want you to banish all of your negative thoughts and to focus on what you are able to do.

You must learn to love yourself and need to understand the importance of expressing your opinions and ideas. You are worth so much and your Angels really want you to realize that! 

4) Uncover the truth deep inside you

The fourth meaning is also related to the idea of searching for answers and exploring what your soul has to offer. Your Guardian Angels want you to lead an honest and truthful life. It’s time to discover who you really are and want to reiterate that making mistakes is a normal part of life.

What does the 1111 Angel number mean for romance?: Love is on the horizon

When it comes to love and relationships, seeing this Angel number means that you are totally in sync with your partner. Everything happens for a reason, especially in love and the people we have connections with don’t just come into our lives randomly.

If you are single and seeing this sequence, you need to pay attention to the chemistry and attraction you feel towards certain people close to you.

In love, itencourages us to walk away from negative vibes and to focus on making ourselves happy. If you are in a negative frame of mind, you will only breed negativity and won’t be able to have a healthy and stable relationship. When you see this sequence over and over again, you should make a wish and embrace the positive thoughts.

The meaning of number 1 – You are a strong and inspirational leader

The meaning of number 1 in Numerology is very important. In Numerology, the number 1 is said to be associated with strong leadership qualities and great organizational skills.

1 is also linked to strength, positivity and ambition. It suggests your life path is about to change for the better.

The more you see number 1, the deeper and more intense your connection becomes to your Angels and higher powers. It’s a cry for you to live in the moment and to stop overanalyzing things constantly. Making the most of life and having no regrets is one of the most important things in the search for happiness.