Reversed Mirror Hours – 12:21

Reversed Mirror Hour 12:21: Your Angel Helps You To Assert Yourself

12:21 is a reversed mirror hour. If you have kept seeing this time on the clock lately, then you shouldn’t ignore it. Seeing a mirror hour means something. It’s also a sign your guardian angel is trying to pass a message on to you… We reveal what that could be.


Seeing the 12:21 reversed mirror hour encourages you to stand up for yourself. 


All mirror hours or reversed mirror hours carry a message for those who notice them. Have you seen the time 12:21 several times and want to know the meaning of this message? You’re in the right place! We reveal all.

12:21: a negative meaning but a positive spiritual message

If you’re only interested in the meaning, each time you see the time 12:21 appear on your watch, it means someone is speaking badly about you. You might get betrayed. Nevertheless, your guardian angel’s message is a bit more positive. They encourage you to have faith in your home life, love and your family and to get rid of your fears.

12:21 symbolizes:

  • Family
  • Harmony
  • Optimism
  • Idealism


“To achieve your objectives, you have to come forward and dare to leave your comfort zone.”

12:21 Reversed mirror hour: it’s time to assert yourself

Just like a spirit animal or a dream, a mirror hour is a way for your guardian angel to pass on a message to you. It’s also an opportunity for them to highlight an aspect of your personality and therefore help you to get to know yourself better.

Frequently seeing the time 12:21 is an invitation to be more confident. To achieve your objectives, you have to come forward and dare to leave your comfort zone. Avoid people who make a bad impression on you, choose your friends better, follow your instinct and then finally assert yourself!

You now know that when you see the time 12:21, it’s your guardian angel sending you a message.