Mirror Hours – 15:15

15:15 Mirror Hour Meaning: Passion Awaits You…

Everyone has seen mirror hours on a clock before, but how many of us know that a message from our guardian angel is hiding behind them? Do you actually know what they mean and how they can impact you? We reveal the passionate and exciting meaning of 15:15 mirror hour, as well as what you now need to do in order to achieve ultimate greatness.


Seeing the 15:15 mirror hour indicates that an exciting love story awaits you. 


Far from a pure coincidence, mirror hours like 15:15 each have their own specific meaning. Discover all about the time 15:15 now!

15:15 Mirror hour meaning: Passion and temptation

15:15 Mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Passion
  • Charisma
  • Pride
  • Temptation


This mirror hour suggests you are attracted to all sorts of pleasure, whether that is material or physical. However, you should be wary of convenient and excess pleasure. This time indicates that you’re going to experience a love story dominated by passion. If you’re already in a romantic relationship, mirror hour 15:15 suggests passion will soon return.

15:15 Mirror hour, your guardian angel teaches you to be patient

You deserve to positively transform your life for yourself and also for your loved ones. Do away with all the people who look down on the choices you have made. Trust yourself, listen to yourself, you are the only one who knows what you need to be happy. Your guardian angel encourages you to trust change and not be in a rush, the best is yet to come… be patient!

15:15, symbolic of the number 30 in numerology

Why 30? Because 15 + 15 = 30

The number 30 is linked to communication. You easily form new relationships and have a fruitful social life, since the number 30 is also a symbol of success and prosperity for those who work on their communication skills. In terms of its negative aspects, the number 30 might be the cause of some thoughtlessness or insincerity, so watch out!