Mirror Hours – 16:16

16:16 Mirror Hour: A Call For Greater Positivity

You’re on your a break at work, you look at your watch and see the time 16:16… should you think anything of it? Well, mirror hours, such as 16:16, are mysterious and contain a meaning and message from your very own guardian angel. What’s the significance of the 16:16 mirror hour? Susan Taylor explains everything you need to know! You’ll never look at your watch in the same way again.


Seeing the 16:16 mirror hour contains a message of optimism and positive vibes. 


Mirror hours are a path leading towards our unconscious, a passage used by our guardian angel to tell us things and allow us to progress through life more easily. So, take time to find out everything about the time 16:16.

16:16 Mirror hour meaning: make way for optimism!

Be positive! The time 16:16 is a call to look at your life positively. You think your expectations are too high, so what? It’s your attitude that should determine your life! Think carefully about what you say and do, it’s the first step on the path to success.

Are you convinced yet? Well you should be, because the 16:16 mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Optimism
  • Companionship
  • Adventure
  • Inspiration


This mirror hour is inspiring; it tells you to have faith in your future and your friends. They are a precious help.

16:16 Mirror hour, you’re lost but your guardian angel will guide you

You might often see the time 16:16, and this is when you feel a bit lost. In love and at work you don’t know what choices to make or what path to follow…

Rest assured, your guardian angel is there for you! They are inviting you to clear your mind! Take some time out and come back stronger. Meditate, get closer to nature. Basically, take a step back and everything will become clearer.

16:16, symbolic of the number 32 in numerology

You come across problems and then get disheartened, but you should always try and avoid getting discouraged and tired. Beyond the feeling of failure, the number 32 encourages you to be wiser and more perseverant.