Mirror Hours – 17:17

17:17 Mirror hour: Conflicts Are To Be Expected

Mirror hours, such as 17:17, raise lots of questions and incite plenty of mystery. It’s not often you spot them, which makes them rather mysterious and creates the feeling that they are drawing us in. Each mirror hour carries a meaning and a message from our guardian angel. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore it. We reveal everything about the 17:17 mirror hour and how it will impact your life.


Seeing the 17:17 mirror hour indicates that tension is in the air and the atmosphere is explosive. 


Knowing the meaning behind a mirror hour allows you to understand your guardian angel’s message and therefore look at your life from a different angle and gain greater confidence…all in the knowledge that your guardian angel is there watching over you.

17:17 Mirror hour meaning: Watch out for arguments

You’re bubbling over inside. The time 17:17 makes you aware that you have too many projects and targets at work. You are a creative force; your imagination is full to the brim and you don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. That’s all well and good, but, too focused on your goals, you tend to neglect your partner.

That’s why 17:17 is also the time when arguments happen with your partnerMisunderstandings and disappointment are common.

17:17 Mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Introspection
  • Creation
  • Expression
  • Imagination


17:17 Mirror hour, you are getting stronger and stronger

When you see the time 17:17, remember that your guardian angel is congratulating you on your newfound inner strength. You might have focused and worked on yourself, through meditation or psychoanalysis. With greater knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses, you are now able to avoid feelings of insecurity that used to hold you back. Mirror hour 17:17 also alludes to former life, an experience from the past. Your imagination is linked to the notion of memory.

17:17, symbolic of the number 34 in numerology

You experience positive vibes. Despite material problems, you feel confident and ready to succeed. Only a few emotional worries will get in your way. Don’t be disheartened, but challenge yourself if you have to.