Mirror Hours – 18:18

18:18 Mirror Hour: Prosperity Is Yours!

At first glance, a mirror hour seems quite normal, but it’s not at all a coincidence and actually hides a deep meaning… Did you know a message from your guardian angel is associated with this mysterious time? Quickly discover everything you need to know about the lucrative 18:18 mirror hour, including its impact on your life.


Seeing the 18:18 mirror hour indicates that luck is on your side and prosperity will soon follow. 


You keep coming across this mirror hour by chance and are wondering what it all means. Mirror hours like 18:18 contain a message from your guardian angel…Find out what this is now!

18:18 Mirror hour meaning: your wish will be granted

You dreamed of love and fortune and the day has come for you to enjoy a prosperous life! You will no longer have to worry about your own or your loved ones’ financial problems. You will receive more in order to be able to give more. You wish is finally being granted…

18:18 Mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Progress
  • Achievement
  • Prosperity
  • Success


All this suggests your guardian angel is supporting you and that you will be rewarded providing you work hard. Make the most of your potential, you know that your efforts always end up paying off. However, to achieve long-term fulfilment, ensure you are grateful for how lucky you are.

18:18, your guardian angel thinks you’ve understood the true meaning of love

Giving to get something back in return, it’s a simple as that, and that’s the message your guardian angel is trying to pass on to you. If you try hard enough to keep your partner and rekindle the flame between the two of you, then your guardian angel reckons you’ve understood everything and will support you no matter what.

18:18 Mirror hour, symbolic of the number 36 in numerology

The number 36 is linked to travel and exchanges with strangers. Thanks to your work, creative energy and particular skillset, you have a very healthy social life. Expect to receive recognition in return. The number 36 is also a symbol of inspiration, open-mindedness and luck. Success brought about by the number 36 often comes after a period of doubt and uncertainty. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel.