Mirror Hours – 19:19

19:19 Mirror Hour: Think Before You Act

Whilst looking at the time, do you often noticing yourself seeing the numbers 19:19? If so, know that this is way more than just a mere coincidence. You’re no doubt very intrigued as to why you often see this time because it’s fairly rare to see mirror hours. The time 19:19 is a message from your guardian angel; this mirror hour has a meaning that you can’t ignore. We reveal all!


Seeing the 19:19 mirror hour urges you to remain calm, patient and prepared. 


Guardian angels choose their mirror hours to pass on messages to those they protect. Taking an interest in these times means you are opening up your mind and giving your unconscious the change to shed light on an event in your life. Quickly find out what 19:19 mirror hour means.

19:19 Mirror hour meaning: an invitation to be patient

You would like new changes in your life. Doors open and you want to go through them. However, if you see the time 19:19, it means you have to be patient. Whatever is getting in your way will disappear, but you need to have a plan. You can’t act on a whim. To be effective, take time to reflect. The time 19:19 symbolizes:

  • Patience
  • Efficiency
  • Creativity
  • Fertile energy


You are overflowing with energy and creativity, but be careful not to spread yourself too thin. In order to be efficient and see your plans through to the end, you have to be patient and think long and hard before making any decisions.

19:19 Mirror hour, your angel lends you a sympathetic ear

You are very doubtful about being able to achieve your goals, but your guardian angel encourages you to stay hopeful. These goals are about to become a reality. Don’t worry, you have your angel’s full attention; they are listening to you and want you to continue nurturing and expanding upon your aspirations.

19:19, symbolic of the number 38 in numerology

Why 38? Because 19 + 19 = 38

The number 38 symbolizes radical, and even brutal, change. It therefore urges you to be gentler, wiser and more intuitive. It’s a lucky number that will bring you protection.

You now know that when you see the time 19:19, it’s your guardian angel sending you a message.