Reversed Mirror Hours – 21:12

Seeing The 21:12 Reversed Mirror Hour Is A Sign To Channel Positive Thoughts

Behind the reversed mirror hour 21:12 hides an important message that your Guardian Angel urgently wants to communicate with you! Have you ever come across this time before? If you have, you should know that it’s essentially a message for you to stop ignoring certain elements in your life as well as an urgent call for you to free yourself from your fears and negative thoughts.


21:12 encourages you to focus on the positive and to chase your dreams knowing you are protected!


If you’ve seen the reversed mirror hour 21:12pm several times over, then it’s definitely no coincidence! Our Guardian angels use mirror times to send us messages and communicate with us… To advance more serenely in life, you must uncover the meaning of this message. We’re here to help you decipher the meaning of this time and reveal how it will impact you.

The meaning of the reversed mirror time 21:12: Be positive in all circumstances

Every time you look at a dial and the reversed mirror time 21:12 appears, it means that you need to free yourself from your fears. You must try to focus on your goals and what you are passionate about instead of your worries. You have natural skills and abilities that you may not even know you have… You need to recognize them and use them for the benefit of yourself and others. Think positive and your life will see you handed positive karma. This is the hour of:

  • Creativity
  • Optimism
  • Idealism


In our busy lives, it is not always easy to regain harmony, but the practice of meditation and/or yoga is a good way to regain serenity whilst benefitting one’s body.

According to specialists, at 21:12 pm you should focus on the positive aspects of your life. The energy of this time wants to give you the courage to trust your loved ones, but most of all to have confidence in yourself to realize all your dreams.

21:12 Means your angel wishes you happiness

Someone close to you is watching over you and wishes you well, as well as good fortune. Your guardian angel is also watching over you and tries to send you a message through this mirror hour, as he would do with your totem animal. Let yourself be guided and stay on a positive path! The best is yet to come…

Numerology: The meaning of number 2

In numerology the number 2 represents duality, but also a certain sensitivity to your feelings and those of others. You are looking for contact with others and maintain your relationships. You now know that when you see this time, it is because your guardian angel is sending you a message.