Mirror Hours – 22:22

22:22 Mirror Hour Meaning: You Will Achieve Great Things!

The time 22:22 is the mirror hour that is most often talked about by people. Being attracted by this mirror hour is not insignificant and will have an important impact on your path. 22:22 has its own meaning and is a message from your guardian angel that you have to decipher in order to shed light on an event in your life. Quickly discover the promising meaning behind the 22:22 mirror hour.


Seeing the 22:22 mirror hour predicts you’ll go on to achieve greatness. 


As if by chance, you have looked at the clock and seen the time 22:22 several times. Like all mirror hours, this one is carrying a specific message from your guardian angel which we’re going to reveal now!

22:22 Mirror hour meaning: you will achieve great things!

22:22 suggests you are on the right track and will do great things. You are known for your skills and abilities.

22:22 Mirror hour symbolizes:

  • Awareness
  • Perseverance
  • Sense of purpose
  • Efficiency


You are going through a good period in your life. This is the time to work hard and keep fighting to reach your goals. You find meaning in what you do and fight for the causes you defend.

Meaning of 22:22
Guardian angel associated with 22:22 22:22 in numerology 22:22 association and tarot
Keep persevering, your persistence will lead you to great things Habuhiah: the angel of fertility and health  44: bearer of good news The fool: symbol of leaping into the unknown and uncertainty when faced with a choice or situation.


22:22 Mirror hour, your guardian angel encourages you

You were able to be patient and kind. By being there for others, by helping them, you have proved that your guardian angel can trust you and be proud of you. No longer judgemental, you are a new person, more down-to-earth, and your angel congratulates you for your willingness to help others.

22:22, symbolic of the number 44 in numerology

Why 44? Because 22 + 22 = 44

The number 44 brings good news both at work and at home. You are guaranteed some success but problems may arise along the way. So, try to be more open and not make sacrifices in the other areas of your life for the sake of solely achieving success at work.

You now know that when you see the time 22:22 appear on your clock, it’s your guardian angel sending you a message.