Angel Number – 818

818 Angel Number: Have Faith In Your Abilities And Plans

818 Angel number is a very powerful sequence and is associated with an inspirational and inspiring message. If you are seeing this pattern, it’s because your Guardian Angels are reaching out to let you know that you are about to pursue a new path. You are about to start a new chapter of your life and the higher spirits are sending you this numeric message to reassure and encourage you. They are also warning you of the dangers that may arise, plus, they want to accompany you in order to facilitate the attainment of your ultimate goal. Discover here essential elements that will help you grasp the true meaning of this angelic message.


The meaning of 818 lies in new adventures and suggests that your life path is about to change drastically.

What is the meaning of 818? – It’s an encouraging sign to chase your goals

This sequence combines 8 with 1 and because 8 features twice in the sequence, its influence is multiplied. Number 8 represents confidence and self-assurance, whereas number 1 signifies new beginnings and different challenges.

This is the message of the divine spirits and brings lots of positive energy and positive affirmations. Your endurance has proven that you are strong and able to enjoy with respect the blessings that the universe will grant you. Your fidelity and your great hope in trouble prove that you are a being of integrity, humility, and devotion to your Lord. You therefore deserve your crown of peace, prosperity and abundance as a sign of gratitude for all your devotion.

A fresh start lies ahead for you, although the higher spirits urge you to address the negative aspects in your life for the transformation to occur. 

A new chapter of your life is on the horizon and to embrace it, all you need to do is take control of your life with confidence and assurance, whilst trusting in your instincts. If you are determined to achieve your goals, there’s no need to be afraid as this repeating number will give you the confidence and strength to do so.

Why am I seeing 818? – Here are 4 reasons why:

                                    1) It’s time for change

818 Angel number is an impassioned call for you to introduce change into your life. Perhaps certain situations are getting you down or you are feeling unhappy in your job for example, if this is the case, things need to change and fast. Making changes in your life is never easy, but they want you to battle through for the sake of your happiness. The higher powers and spiritual realm want you to know that the universe will reward your efforts to change.

             2) You must prepare yourself for a new beginning

It’s a sign that you are approaching the end of an important phase in your life, yet a new and exciting beginning lies ahead for you. New beginnings can be scary, but with your Guardian Angels by your side, everything will work out perfectly for you in the end.

Lots of new things are in store for you, but you must close the door on your past and look exclusively to the future.

Adopting a positive state of mind will help free you from your past demons. Put your faith in the message the Angels send and you won’t be disappointed.

                              3) You need to remain positive

You need to focus on the positive thoughts of abundance and prosperity in order to succeed. You need to take control of your life and use your strength to create your own reality. Focusing on positive thoughts rather than negative ones will boost you in achieving your dreams. Your Guardian Angels want you to succeed and are behind you every step of your life path journey. No matter what you decide to do, approach it with an upbeat and fighting attitude. Put your fears to one side and aim high!

                        4) A career change could be in store

If you have recently been considering changing career paths and pursuing a spiritually based job, seeing this pattern could be a sign for you to take the plunge. You are no doubt extremely talented when it comes to helping and guiding other people and dream of following through on your career ambitions. It’s also a cue for you to pursue your ideas and to listen to your heart’s desire. The time has come for you to build up your confidence and develop your existing talents and potential. 

What does 818 Angel number mean for your love life? – Express your feelings more

Here, this sequence acts as a wakeup call for people to invest more time and effort into their relationships. If you are seeing this sequence and you are in a relationship, it means the passion has most likely disappeared and you have both fallen into a boring routine. 

If, however you are in a relationship that currently isn’t working out, seeing this sequence could be a sign for you to break things off. Your Angels want you to follow your heart and if you can’t imagine your partner on your new life path with you, they’ll encourage you to make some tough decisions.

Remaining in an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship will lead to eventual heartbreak and you really shouldn’t even consider it. Take the confidence this sequence gives you and choose to walk away from negative situations in love.